Race 1 Moco Information

28 Aug 2019 by Elizabeth Bower


Our first race is 10 day away!!
The team is looking great- huge practice turn outs, everyone getting stronger and having a ton of fun riding.

There is lot to know about the weekend. Please take the time to look at the link above and the attached time line.

In short, we start setting up on Saturday morning- opportunities to get volunteer or trail corps hours.
10 am start the adventure riding- this has to be done with a coach so we need you to RSVP to the adventure ride post in Team App if you intend to do it

Preriding Saturday is 2-5 PM. We will meet and ride as a team at 3 pm – wheels rolling.

Camping- on site, as in across the field. It is super fun but primitive. There are porta pots but no facilities at this location. Again, separate RSVP for camping so we can coordinate meals.

Sunday – Preriding 8-9 am for those who did not on Sunday.

Team meets 9 am at tents

first race- Girls at 930!!!

We are one of the home teams so are responsible for getting volunteer positions filled and take down on Sunday.
Please choose jobs and recruit others to help using ; https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/2876851/false#/invitation



16820 Black Rock Rd Germantown Md

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