FYI- What is "Earned Lap Cutoff"

1 Oct 2022 by Elizabeth Bower

This is a racing concept new to first year riders. We will talk about it again at the races so everyone understands. For some riders (and most of our younger riders) the race may say 2 laps, but they will only do 1. This is fine, and normal.

“What is ‘Earned Lap Cutoff?’” In a 2 lap race, if a rider finishes lap 1 before their cutoff time, they will be allowed to continue on the course for another lap. If they finish lap 1 after the cutoff time, they will be done their the race and they will still earn a score and be listed in results as a finisher. For a 3 lap race, they must complete 2 laps before their cutoff time to earn the third lap, etc. Our finish line support crew will be there to help! This is to prevent riders from racing for a longer time period than appropriate. See this chart for the target race times.

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